The Minister of Electricity & Energy, Dr. Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, alongside the Board Chairperson of the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI), Ms. Dorah Modise, is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Riedewaan Bakardien as the new Chief Executive Officer of NRWDI, effective 1 April 2025.

Mr. Bakardien brings a wealth of experience in the nuclear sector and is exceptionally qualified to lead NRWDI in the safe and efficient management of radioactive waste, safeguarding both current and future generations as well as protecting the environment.

In his previous role as Senior Vice President at Ontario Power Generation, Mr. Bakardien was responsible for overseeing Training, Security, Emergency Management, and Innovation for the nuclear fleet. He significantly contributed to the governance and performance evaluation of the Nuclear Management System, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to nuclear safety.

Before his tenure in Canada, Mr. Bakardien served as the Chief Nuclear Officer at Eskom, where he was responsible for nuclear operations and safety at the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station. His extensive expertise in radioactive waste management and regulatory compliance positions him as an ideal leader for NRWDI.

With over 15 years of experience in the nuclear industry, Mr. Bakardien has held various senior leadership roles that have fostered a strong safety culture and improved operational performance. He has expressed his sincere gratitude for the opportunity to lead NRWDI and is dedicated to advancing its vital mission.

For media enquiries, kindly contact:

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Tsakane Khambane, Spokesperson in the Ministry of Electricity and Energy on 082 084 5566 / [email protected]

Susan Monyai, Communications & Stakeholder Relations Manager of NRWDI on [email protected]




The National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI) welcomed the appointment of their new board of directors by the Minister of Minerals, Resources and Energy, the Honourable Gwede Mantashe on 18 August 2023.

The Minister formally appointed the following individuals to the NRWDI Board: Ms Lemao Dorah Modise as Chairperson, Dr Wolsey Barnard as Deputy Chairperson. Ms Gratitude Ramphaka and Advocate Derick Block are newly appointed Non-Executive Members of the Board. In addition to the above appointments, Dr Kgaugelo Chiloane was also re-appointed to the NRWDI Board.

All Board members are appointed for a 3-year period, terminating on 17 August 2026 with effect from 18 August 2023. Chief Executive Officer of NRWDI, Dr Margaret Mkhosi said “the NRWDI team is pleased to welcome our new Board of Directors. The new members combined have a wealth of experience and bring a fresh set of skills that not only span the energy/nuclear sector but a critical mix of experience in strategic administrative public sector and private sector experience.”

The aforementioned independent Board members join a number of Departmental representatives on the NRWDI Board, namely, Ms Mamogala Musekene (DFFE representative), Mr Obed Baloyi (alternate DFFE representative), Ms Aneliswa Cele (DoH representative), Ms Tovhowani Nyamande (DWS representative) and Dr Jabulani Maluleke (alternate DWS representative). Mr Thabiso Pie is appointed the main DMRE representative, and Mr Zukile Zibi as the alternate DMRE representative.

Ms Dorah Modise,the new Board Chairperson of the NRWDI Board, said, “I am excited to be appointed as the Chairperson of the NRWDI and believe I can speak on behalf of the Board that we share the same intent to nurture the growth of the institute to its full potential.  It is my firm belief that the combination of the new independent Board members together with the Departmental representatives will give NRWDI the impetus to carry out its mandate of disposing of radioactive waste in a manner that is safe and protects both the citizens of our country and the environment.”


Issued by: Susan Monyai

Email: [email protected]

Communications & Stakeholder Relations Manager

National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI)

Ground storage facility for spent fuel and vaalputs public safety information forum activities

For Immediate Release – Vaalputs community.

The National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute (NRWDI) is a statutory body established in terms of Section 3 of the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute Act, 2008 (Act No. 53 of 2008) (NRWDIA), with a mandate to manage radioactive waste disposal on a national basis.

One of the key functions of NRWDI is to investigate the need for any new radioactive waste disposal facilities and site, design and construct such new facilities as may be required. Currently NRWDI is investigating the establishment of an off-site above ground storage facility for spent fuel (also known as Centralised Interim Storage Facility (“CISF”), as informed by the Radioactive Waste Management Policy and Strategy for the Republic of South Africa of 2005.

In order to establish any new disposal and related storage facility, NRWDI is obliged to comply with all the applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. This includes, but is not limited to obtaining an Environmental Authorisation from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment, as well as a Nuclear Installation Licence from the National Nuclear Regulator.

“We are mindful of the importance of public consultation in this process and would therefore like to assure all stakeholders that NWRDI will comply with all the requirements of the NNR and NEMA Acts, in terms of public participation,” stated Dr Margaret Mkhosi, CEO of NWRDI.

The regulation that governs the Public Safety Information Forum (“PSIF”) clearly states that the holder of a nuclear installation licence (Necsa is currently the Licence Holder of Vaalputs) must provide on a quarterly basis information to persons living in the relevant municipal area (in the instance of Vaalputs, within the Kamiesberg Municipality), in respect of which an emergency plan has been established on nuclear and radiation safety matters, including but not limited to nuclear incidents and accidents. The PSIF meetings are also attended by persons living in the Richtersveld Municipality and the Nama Khoi Municipality, and any member of the public.

The physical in-person Vaalputs Public Safety Information Forum (VPSIF) meetings have been cancelled by the current Licence Holder for the past two years, as a safety precautionary measure in the interest of the public and the communities in the area, in lieu of the potential spread of the COVID virus.

The option of conducting virtual VPSIF meetings was explored, but due to the remoteness and the limited or non-existent Wi-Fi connectivity in the area, this option was not deemed feasible and viable, as many of the communities surrounding Vaalputs would not be able to participate in such virtual VPSIF meetings. Thus, the diversity and inclusivity of stakeholders would have been severely compromised and furthermore, putting an undue financial burden on stakeholders that would normally attend the physical in-person PSIF meetings.

Notwithstanding the cancellation of the physical in-person PSIF meetings, NRWDI (as future Nuclear Installation Licence Holder for Vaalputs) has acted in the spirit of the PSIF regulation, by providing on a quarterly basis, information with regard to nuclear and radiation safety to our stakeholders.

“NRWDI remains committed to deliver technically sound, socially acceptable, environmentally responsible, economically feasible, sustainable and publicly acceptable solutions for the long-term management and disposal of all radioactive waste classes on a national basis. This will be done in a safe and secure manner that protects people and the environment” emphasized Dr Mkhosi.

Official Media Statement