Policy Mandates
There are a number of key policy mandates that comprehensively capture our vision and thus describe what we do and why we do them. In short, these are programs and plans that seek to address public interest. The policy mandates also provide for a relevant international framework that has a bearing on NRWDI and South Africa’s policies. These Strategic Plans are aligned with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) strategic outcomes and contributes towards the delivery of the objectives of the National Development Plan (NDP) as well as the Medium-Term Strategic Framework. It establishes the key areas of focus that will enable the NRWDI to deliver on its legislative and policy mandate.
Strategy Timeline
Mandate and Responsibilities
2017 - 2020
This document provides the NRWDI Strategic Plan for the period 2017/18 - 2019/20. It sets out NRWDI’s policy priorities, programmes and project plans for the next three years within the scope of its mandate and available resources. This strategic plan serves as a blueprint for translating NRWDI’s goals and objectives into reality thus making a contribution to the outcomes in the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). Download Now

2020 - 2025
The 2020-2025 Strategic Plan is an ambitious programme of work for NRWDI. The commitments made are cognisant of the challenging times we face and borne out of a collective understanding of the responsibilities and obligations placed on all of us in public service by the Constitution and the aspirations of the people of South Africa. Download Now