Organizational Environment
NRWDI is registered as a public entity in terms of Section 38(1) (m) of the PFMA, and classified as a Schedule 3A entity. The governance of the Institute is entrusted to a Board appointed in accordance with the Act, with the Minister of Energy being the Executive Authority responsible for the Institute.
The Board provides policy and strategic leadership and is the Accounting Authority of NRWDI. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer are ex-officio members of the Board. In charting the Institute’s work over the duration of this compilation of the Strategic Plan, with effect from 01 October 2016 the Chief Executive Officer is now responsible for the day-to-day running of the Institute, assisted by a senior management team, which includes the Chief Financial Officer and Divisional Managers.
Monitoring corporate governance
The Board of NRWDI

The board is responsible for monitoring principles of corporate governance and completely aligns itself with the application of the recommendations of the King report on governance (King IV). The board is committed to corporate processes and ensures that NRWDI operations are conducted ethically, taking into account best practice.
The board is responsible for monitoring principles of corporate governance and completely aligns itself with the application of the recommendations of the King report on governance (King IV). The board is committed to corporate processes and ensures that NRWDI operations are conducted ethically, taking into account best practice.
The Board has adopted a formal charter which clearly articulates its duties and responsibilities and which is reviewed and approved annually. The Board Charter is closely aligned with King IV.
The primary responsibility of the Board is the leadership of the NRWDI, strategic direction and policy, operational performance, financial matters, risk management and compliance. It is responsible for the general management and control, exercising leadership, integrity and judgement in directing the NRWDI, based on transparency, accountability and responsibility. The Board is the focal point of the corporate governance system of the NRWDI.
Authority for day-to-day management of the NRWDI’s activities is delegated to the management team through a Delegation of Authority Framework approved by the Board. The mandate, role and responsibilities of the board are stipulated in the board charter as set out in the NRWDI Act.
Conflict of interest is managed through mandatory annual declarations of interest. All Board members are required to declare any conflict of interest on an ongoing basis. The Board Charter details the importance of declaring any conflict of interest and contains provisions for dealing with such conflicts.
Executive Leadership
NRWDI Current Board Members


Deputy Chairperson

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member

Board Member & NRWDI CEO

Board Member & NRWDI CFO

Board Secretariat
Executive Leadership
The audit committee was appointed by the board of the NRWDI and has two independent non-executive board members. The executive officer and chief financial officer are permanent invitees to committee meetings while the Auditor General attend by invitation. The Audit Committee has adopted Terms of Reference based on the Public Finance Management Act (“the PFMA”) and Companies Act 71 of 2008 (“the Companies Act”). The Audit Committee members have considered and are of the view that they are effectively independent of the Institute and its management thereof. After the retirement of the previous Board, the new ARC was constituted in April 2017.
Roles and responsibility
The committee is regulated by approved terms of reference, and it is responsible for, inter alia, the review of financial performance, external audit strategy and reports, the internal audit function, risk management, budgets, PFMA compliance, fraud and corruption, information technology governance and the monitoring of CAPEX projects. The terms of reference are aligned with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), treasury regulations and King IV.
The TC was appointed by the board of the NRWDI and has three non-executive board members. The executive officer and chief financial officer are permanent invitees to committee meetings while the Chief Technology Officer and Chief Operating Officer attend by invitation. The duties and functions of the Committee inter alia, includes: (i) to review the framework, policies and guidelines for radioactive waste operations; technology; research development and compliance management as far as it is relevant to the work of the committee; and (ii) to review and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on any other technical issues that may influence the Board’s decisions on radioactive management and disposal.
The S&E is appointed by the board of the NRWDI and has four non-executive board members. The executive officer and chief financial officer are permanent invitees to committee meetings while the Corporate Service Divisional Head and Chief Operating Officer attend by invitation. The S&E is responsible for advising the Board on social and ethics, safety, security and environmental as well as HR and remuneration matters. It reports to the Board in line with King IV requirements. The S&E is tasked with the overall accountability for performance monitoring against the HR Strategy, overseeing disciplinary and employment equity matters, remuneration issues, safety issues, environmental matters, HR policies and social responsibility. The S&E’s duties and responsibilities are detailed in its Board-approved Terms of Reference.
The Executive Team

Mr. Riedewaan Bakardien
Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Justin Daniel
Chief Financial Officer

Dr Mehauhelo Melaletsa
Acting Executive Manager: Corporate Services

Mr. Alan Carolissen
Chief Operations Officer: Radioactive Waste Disposal Operations

Dr. Vusi Twala
Chief Technology Officer: Science, Engineering and Technology